SKU: 12345-1-2-1-1 Premium Gyokuro Tea bags

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Premium Gyokuro Tea bags

Premium Gyokuro Tea bagsPremium Gyokuro Tea bags
Unit Size: 2g x 5 pieces

Gyokuro is translated as “dew drop” and it is  the highest grade Japanese loose green tea. In contrast to making unshaded Sencha, where the covers for blocking direct sunshine are spread directly on the plant, Gyokuro is grown under a special shading for about two to three weeks prior the harvest that allows more space for the tea leaves to steep out. The tea plant is shaded for about three weeks, during which fresh spring tea leaves develop a distinctive rich flavor and sweet smell. After the harvest the leaves are processed with great care, the result of which is tea of unique beauty. Due to the level of care and attention needed to produce Gyokuro it is a rather rare tea – less than 1 percent of all tea made in Japan is Gyokuro. Each tea bag is individually packed. Perfect for consumers who wish to have a perfect cup of Gyokura every time anywhere.

Jugetsudo Gyokuro is coming from the best mountainous gardens of Shizuoka Prefecture. It is believed that tea cultivation in Shizuoka started in 1244, when a Buddhist monk Enji brought tea seeds from China to Japan and planted them in Ashikubo, Suruga. Suruga, therefore, is regarded as the birthplace of Shizuoka’s tea.

Gyokuro Misho has an vibrantly pale emerald color, intense yet elegant aromas and silky mouthfeel and long balanced refreshing finish. Conveniently wrapped in individual bag. Great choice for those who wants to have a perfect cup of Gyokuro anytime at any place.

1 Tea Bag 60-65°C 120 ml 90-120 sec.~

Store in airtight container in dry cool place

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