SKU: 12345-1-1-1 Organic Genmaicha with Matcha Tea Bags

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Organic Genmaicha with Matcha Tea Bags

genmaicha tea bagsgenmaicha tea bags
産地 日本・静岡県藤枝市
内容量 50g
で利用可能 缶入り、ジッパー付き袋入り、ティーバッグ入り

Genmaicha is a green tea mixed with roasted brown rice and matcha (powdered green tea). Combining  two traditional Japanese ingreadients, tea and rice makes Genmaicha an unmistakable exponent of Japanese culture. Although it is called genmaicha, white mochi rice is usually used to create this blend. This is due to the fragrant aroma the white rice develops by roasting. After steaming, drying and roasting the rice is combined with Bancha tea and Matcha.



ティーバッグ1個 95~100度 200 ml 60-90 秒


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